Our Partners

We are lucky to work with a curated community of like-minded, trusted partners to deliver our projects.

Seven Hills

Seven Hills creates campaigns for change makers – the entrepreneurs, investors, philanthropists, business leaders and innovators that are realising the positive potential of business. From communications, to design, events and editorial, Seven Hills creates major campaigns focused on defining mission and purpose, shaping culture and helping organisations cut through in a fast evolving business landscape.

It has created some of the leading initiatives to champion and accelerate the growth prospects of Britain’s entrepreneur and scale-up community, including Tech London Advocates, One Young World, Strava and BGF. Founders Michael Hayman MBE DL and Nick Giles authored the Penguin bestseller ‘Mission: How the Best in Business Break Through’ which explores the explosive growth of a new generation of mission-driven businesses.

“It’s a pleasure to work alongside H Catalyst, as they always bring a unique blend of energy and dynamism.”

/ Emma Johnson / CEO / Seven Hills /